
I'ma Reck

  • წელი2020">2020
  • ქვეყანა: აშშ
  • ჟანრი:ფილმებიკომედია
  • რეჟისორი:Bill Briles
  • როლებში: დევიდ ანდერსონი, Melissa Mitchell, Aleta Doroudian, Greg Attaway, C.W. Briles Jr., Bill Briles, Tig Collins, Aaron Darpli, Spencer Dooley, Reza Doroudian, Audrey Ann Gambach, Megan Guthrie, Miriam Harrison, Russel Johnson, ჯონატან ნორტჰოვერი
ფილმის სიუჟეტი
Country Bumpkins meet Shakespeare. Reck Jr. follows Ima Lou Beener from Tofee, North Carolina to Tucson, Arizona in an old Ford pickup pulling a one-man trailer with his uncle Enus.. He hopes to talk Ima into marrying him, but both Ima and her aunt Nellie strongly oppose any kind of romantic relationship. Reck sees a psychic and she is hopeful that Ima will marry him. Reck increases his romantic gestures after talking to the Psychic. In the meantime he gets himself, Ima, Nellie and Enus involved in a University study about the behavior of "losers" or misfits.
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