
A Trip to Mars

ფილმის სიუჟეტი
A celebrated professor of chemistry discovers two wonderful powders. When combined, they form a product which reverses the well-known law of gravity and sets all objects that it touches free to roam in space. The professor's joy over the discovery of this reverse gravity is so great that he starts out to tell the world. While waving the two papers containing the powders over his head, a little of each is accidentally spilled on him. Before he can realize what is happening the professor is sailing out of the window and through the clouds, on his way to the planet Mars. Arriving there upside-down he scrambles along the under surface of the planet and finally finds himself in a dense wood of trees, which are of enormous size. The upper halves of the trees are semi-human monsters which reach out long arms to seize him as he runs between their trunks. Escaping this peril, he climbs upon a ledge of rocks. Jumping off a promontory, he lands upon what, when the rocks wake up, proves to be the...
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