
სასტუმრო პოსეიდონი / Hotel Poseidon

  • წელი2021">2021
  • ქვეყანა: ბელგია
  • ჟანრი:ფილმებისაშინელებათა ფილმი
  • რეჟისორი:Stefan Lernous
  • როლებში: Kirsten Pieters, დომინიკ ვან მალდერი, ჯინ ბერვუტსი, ტანა ვან დერ სანდენი, Tom Vermeir, Ruth Becquart, Dirk Lavryssen, Anneke Sluiters, Steve Geerts, Julia Ghysels, Chiel Van Berkel, Tine Van den Wyngaert, Tessa Friedrich, Anne-Laure Vandeputte, Darya Gantura
ფილმის სიუჟეტი
Dave reluctantly pretends to be the manager of Hotel Poseidon, where fungus covers the walls and comments such as "faded glory" and "has seen better times" completely fall short to describe this establishment. He wanders the corridors of his personal Overlook Hotel like a zombie, being a passive spectator to what happens around him - whether it's clients without cash, his mother castrating him with her sharp tongue or a sick aunt in the hallway whose pension keeps the place going. Dave will gradually lose his balance and tumble into a waking nightmare, in which his hotel is transformed into an existential purgatory. With inner demons on the booze, lustful creatures tempting his lonely soul to sin and a big plunge into the proverbial metaphysical shit hole, Dave can expect some strong comments on Trip Advisor.
საიტის დასახმარებლად გთხოვთ დაკლიკოთ რეკლამებზე,

ინგლისურად 1 თრეილერი

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