
Lady Luck

  • წელი2017">2017
  • ქვეყანა: აშშ
  • ჟანრი:ფილმებიდრამაკომედია
  • რეჟისორი:Clifton McCurry
  • როლებში: ირმა პ. ჰოლი, დონ ბეიტი, David Lambert, ტრევანტე როდსი, Sariah Ferguson, Kandace Gatson, Zonya Maraet, Mo Lindholm, D Ellis, La Tricia L. Cleveland, Dion Kearney, Swisyzinna, Deanna Chandler, Lauren Levi, Yuriko Almonte
ფილმის სიუჟეტი
Through their individual trials and turbulence, three strangers are drawn together under one roof. Gabriele is running from a philandering, egotistical, soon-to-be former husband while finding a renewed sense of love in Dr. Perry. Monique is attempting to hide her perceived personal failures and aggressive health condition from her family. Stella is running from Stella and who she could become if she would only allow herself to change for the better. 'Lady Luck' is an inspirational story of faith, perseverance, and moving on.
საიტის დასახმარებლად გთხოვთ დაკლიკოთ რეკლამებზე,

ინგლისურად 1 თრეილერი

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